
Posted 2M ago by @Shoemoney

Losing Bottom Leaves?

Marley has been losing bottom leaves for about two weeks now. They yellow and fall off. There is still new growth at the top. Any thoughts? #Peperomia #BabyRubberPlant
1ft to light, direct
6โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Hi! Your peperomia looks healthy, keep an eye on the new growth that could tell you more about your watering and light care, if your pep is root bound, lacking nutrients, or a bit of an older plant that can happen! As well as repotting if you had just repotted. From my experience bottom ( older ) leafs will yellow if there is a nitrogen deficiency, keep an eye as it can dramatically drop more leaves, do you lightly fertilize? And or when was the last time fresh soil was given?
@wearenature He got fresh soil on July 24 when I potted him. Fertilizer on Oct 16 as instructed by the app. So far Iโ€™ve lost three leaves, and two other (bigger) ones feel quite a bit firmer than the rest .
Mine do this constantly! I have 2 and think I don't have the watering schedule down yet. Seems every time they even think of being dry, I use a meter so not overwatered afaik, they drop a leaf. I've repotted, fed them, under good lights. They grow more new leaves out the top at the same time this is happening and aren't yellowing, they just fall off so maybe it's normal? I'm so confused ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿซค
They lose leaves when they are overwatered. That is also why she is yellowing and looking washed out.

They need to be allowed to dry out completely before watering again.

Keep in mind that with winter here they are drinking much less so definitely cut waaay back with water. You will find if you allow her to dry out between watering she will hardly ever drop any leaves. They are actually a semi- succulent. This means that they store water in their leaves. So when they take on too much water it damages the cells within the leaf and then the leaves will drop.