
Posted 2M ago by @SpicyShortblack

New plant needs help!

I just bought a #WhiteBirdOfParadise and some leafs are getting dark. Is anything wrong? Should I do something to the new plant? :(
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
looks normal to me, but check for pests / bugs.
it’s normal for a plant to be a little shocked when you first bring it home!
The dark ones are mature leaves and the lighter one is new. Looks fine to me. I would spray it down to make sure there are no pests and then find the brightest spot in your house with out direct sunlight. They also like humidity so if you notice your leaves curling that will help. Water when mostly dry and make sure it’s not sitting in water. That will lead to rot. Hopes this helps & good luck πŸ’šπŸŒ±
I also suggest to wait n see. And you can clean your leaves gently too for photosynthesis ☺️