
Posted 1M ago by @BioticSkies

Adopted Jade is thin and tired

Inherited this guy from a work buddy. Hoping to bring it back to life! Fortunately my husband could make a plastic plant grow, so I think it'll be okay. We're repotting tomorrow in a draining pot. Still, any tips and tricks? I'm trying to learn. I'm not a plant mom, I'm absolutely a gearhead. But it's nice to try and help hubby!
1ft to light, direct
6โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 17 hours ago
@BioticSkies I was a gifted a jade plant from my neighbor last summer. It was big and needed work. Iโ€™ve taken several cuttings and even given some away over the last 8 months. They are fairly easy to grow in the right environment. Be sure to check the roots when you repot to make sure they are firm and white not brown and mushy. Pot it in a cactus or succulent mix (I make my own), use a pot with ample drainage, give it lots of sunlight and water every 2 weeks or so when the top 2 inches of soil is dry. Here are my recent cuttings that I callused over and just plopped in new soil. They are still forming roots but doing good. I have also attached a link to a great reference site for further care instructions. Happy growing!