
Posted 1M ago by @BraveBrandegea


Some of my Peace Lily's flowers suddenly started to turn brown( but still soft) and the pores on the inside started to turn almost black. Is this normal? What should i do #peacelily #newplantmom
1ft to light, indirect
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@BraveBrandegea While ultimate a peace lily flower will die off, there may be some other reasons for this to occur prematurely including watering so here’s a guide to consider the possible cause and solution. Hope this helps answer your question, all the best. πŸ˜€πŸ‘
It happened to mine as well I don’t know what to do but this one was deformed
Yes! Completely normal! Flowers die and grow back. What matters is that your leaves and roots are okay
how long has she been flowering?
@SesameSeeds777 i got her like this so i don't really know
Beautiful peace lily! So mine went green then brown, and I was holding out. Then I decided to cut her back and then literally a few days later a new flower grew back!! I guess my flower was taking all the water/nutrients and when I cut it back it then went to another flower and then bloomed 😊
oh she's probably just done flowering then! Nothing to worry about! Just don't forget to clip the dying flowers to prevent mold