
Posted 1M ago by @HunkyJellypalm

How to keep my monstera happy?

I recently got a monstera from Tesco I keep getting little brown patches and I’ve noticed that the leaves aren’t splitting. Top tips please? #MonsMob #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy
10ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
None of this is really concerning to me. The fenestrations will come/increase as the plant matures and you’ll likely get those dry spots on the edges/tips sporadically for the life of the plant - mine certainly does/has. If you’re able, try increasing the humidity and you’ll see less of it.
10ft away from a window is very low light, I would try putting it in a brighter location for bigger and better growth!
These are all very common and I wouldn’t worry about any of it if I were you, but if your looking to prevent them, use more humidity (for example, just get a humidifier and place it in the same room as your plant- they’re good for you and your monstera lmao) and definitely give it more light, monsteras were definitely never known as low light and low maintenance so try to place it next to a window (not with direct sunlight) and you should see those little burn spots almost disappear- or come less. Tip: wipe down you leaves to prevent dust buildup