
Posted 2M ago by @Catplantaddict

Pineapple won't grow for some reason

I had this pineapple that was cut off from the top of a pineapple, and it hasn't grown like at all. When I put it in its pot, its leaves got dry a little, but nothing else happened. So what did I do wrong? It might still have no roots.
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1ft to light, direct
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
How long ago did you put it in the soil?
Hi Leafwing! It can take a while for pineapple tops to root and start growing. Here are a few tips:
* Patience: Rooting can take several weeks or even months.
* Moisture: Keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy.
* Warmth: Place it in a warm, bright location.
* Humidity: High humidity can help with rooting. You can mist the top occasionally.
If you see any signs of rot, like mushy or black areas, cut them away. With patience and care, your pineapple top should eventually root and grow into a new plant.
@Seedstarter it was a week or so after the "adoption" date
@USAGardenHub its naturally high humidity where I live, and all of the things you listed are in check.
@Catplantaddict I just received a pineapple plant a few days ago and my leaves are turning yellow. It’s not wet so what ever you find out please left me know. Thank you
@Catplantaddict So, as USAGardenHub said, it will take a while for your pineapple to root; naturally, the old leaves start to die during this process; what you want to be on the lookout for is newer leaves or rotting that begins to occur from the middle of the plant; that is the best indicator of health. If you wish, you could apply rooting hormones and see if that speeds up the process, but usually, it takes 6-8 weeks or more
@Seedstarter I don't have rooting hormone, so I looked up some alternatives. Most of them feature placing the plant into water again, but I remembered that I was having them root in water but had no success. What should I do now?
@grateful_68 can you send me a pic? I can most likely figure this out

Also, recently, my Ti Plant recently got spider mites, but their leaves would turn yellow and have dark green spots. This was before I even realized they had spider mites.
@Catplantaddict GM here are some of the one that’s left. I cut a couple really bad ones off. Thank you
@grateful_68 Judging by the leaves and the damage seen, it can be pests. I'm not sure what kind tho, sadly
@USAGardenHub thank you I’ll move it from the window to a warmer spot in the house and as @Seedstarter said it’s possible pest so I’ll also treat it being that it’s a newbie. Thank you, I appreciate your help @Catplantaddict @Seedstarter and @USAGardenHub I’ll try rooting hormones and post progress as time goes on: πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½