
Posted 1M ago by @SteadyTurkeyoak

Need help for our #Monstera

Our Monstera needs help! He was doing really good before all of this and had about triple the amount of leaves. Then we watered thoroughly until water ran out of bottom of the pot about 3 weeks ago and many of its leaves died. Then added a normal amount of indoor plant food to soil to try and help it revive but it seems to have gotten worse. Plant card with details is filled out. Thank you!
11ft to light, indirect
14” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Hi Rob, I’m no expert but it might need more light. If you add a hashtag you’ll get more visibility on your post. Hope that helps, good luck!
I’m thinking there’s not enough light! These guys originate in tropical areas, they require a lot of bright, indirect light!!
The plant does get a lot of indirect light from the window it’s across from and it was thriving in that same spot for 2 years prior to the watering/fertilizer change
Pot is very large, that dirt is staying wet for prolonged periods of time which will certainly damage your Monstera. A repot will help her tremendously :)