
Posted 1M ago by @misplantitas

Help! Small leaves!

I recently repotted this Swiss cheese monstera and since then it’s been bursting with new leaves, only they’re much smaller than the others! Is it because of the repot? Should I fertilize again since the soil is new? Will they get bigger as the leaf matures? Is there something I can do to get my bigger leaves back? I desperately want my boy cheddar to thrive!
0ft to light, indirect
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
well they are new so they are gonna be small. wait and see if they grow!
I would say wait till they mature since they are still new leafs. Give them time and see what happens
I just bought one a couple days ago. Do I need to repot?
@NiceGrugrupalm depends. If it’s unhealthy it might be better to just shock it all at once, but most people let it adjust to its environment before repotting. Most box stores don’t have them in the correct medium so it also depends on where you got it.