
Posted 2M ago by @ChaosPlains

What is going on here?

I separated my #GoldenSedum so this is the other half of selenite. What is this brownish stuff on it? I’m worried abt scale, but considering I’ve never seen it before… idk #Succulents #SucculentSquad #Succulent #sickplants #scale
1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
That looks like just a little crusty patch that happens with physical damage, like a scab.

The scarring where it has dropped leaflets is entirely normal. The large patch looks like where water collected on it at some point. It’s very common with echeveria for some water to pool around the stem if it gets on the leaflets. This can create a little burn either from washing off the plant’s farina (a powdery coating that acts as a natural sunscreen) or it can catch sun rays like a little magnifying glass.

I see some loose dirt. It is possible that could be a little patch of mud. Dip a qtip in vodka and VERY GENTLY rub it. If it is mud it will come off. If it is a scab don’t pick it!!!

Scale is an insect. I’m attaching a photo of scale provided by terminx as an example. This is definitely not scale.

I’m also attaching a photo of my pearl. You can see in the top corner a rosette that I spilled water on. You ca see really well where her farina washed off. The top leaflets scarred and she lost a couple but has since put out a few new ones. It’s perfectly normal and your plant will recover.
looks like scar tissue. All is well!