
Posted 1M ago by @Toatesmagoates

I have moved this plant from more sun to less sun. I have...

2ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 22 hours ago
Best Answer
Oh no! Yes you can save it, I think. I have many of them but you MUST cover it you can cover it with a clear plastic bag, put a mason jar over it, a transparent cup anything to lock in humidity around its leaves.

If the soil is staying to wet you will need to amend it you want about 50% aeration in you soil this can be added in the form of perlite, pumice, pebbles, bark etc. otherwise your roots will rot. You should see some new healthy leaf growth pretty quickly, within a couple of weeks but she will most likely drop oat of those leaves she has now. They won’t ever look good again. But given the right conditions they a pretty hearty.

I just use glass cookie jars from wal mart for my terrariums if you were to get a big enough jar you could just stick the whole pot in there it doesn’t need to be fancy just covered.
It's the humidity. Fittonia only truly thrive under a terrarium or cloche
Is there any way I can save it?