
Posted 1M ago by @Plantbonanza

Peace Lilly spathe turns green?

Hi, I own a new peace lily! It resides in a cubicle 90% of the time, but I take it out for light once a week. I water it once a week. I was doing a 1/4 cup water, but have now transitioned to just one ice cube. The leaves are turning green and seem droopy. Any advice? #PeaceLily #HelpASistaOut
5ft to light, direct
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
She has no light to grow towards so she’s just surviving not thriving! I’d recommend getting her a grow light if you want to keep her in your cubicle :) Also no ice cubes! Huuuuuge no no! Bad for the plant, just stick with regular water! πŸ™ˆ
@plantbonanza I heard you should never water plants with ice cubes. The water is too cold and it can cause root shock. These are sensitive plants so that in itself could be the cause of the drooping and green flower bloom. I would definitely get it out in some bright indirect light for a while and give it a good soaking with room temperature tap water that has set out 24 hours or with filtered water. I use filtered water on my peace lily. Also your card indicates no drainage. If that is the case, you need to put it in a pot with drainage so it doesn’t get root rot
@TheFernFae oh okay! Ahhh! Everyone in my office was saying to use ice cubes lol ): do you know how much water on average I should give her weekly? πŸ˜…
@Shells_Garden okay! Thank you! πŸ™πŸΌ
@Shells_Garden also, if she sits in front of the office window would that be ideal or is that too much light?
@Plantbonanza for a 5 inch pot 1/4 to 1/2 cup water every 7 to 10 days but always stick your finger in the soil before watering.
@Plantbonanza that’s a good place. Do you know the direction the window faces?. I have mine about 3 feet from a south facing window. She gets light all day but it’s filtered by other plants.
@Plantbonanza Ice cubes are one of those β€œdiy plant hack” scams that has sadly gotten really popular so that makes sense! 😭 I water my peace lilies when the top two inches of their soil is dry and that just means watering them like you dropped them in the ocean!
overwatering only happens when you water too frequently resulting in the oxygen porosity decreasing so the plant cannot breathe. If you give her ample time to dry the top two inches or more you just need to give her enough water that it drains out the bottom! ☺️

Peace lilies are super communicative as well if she really needs water her leaves will start drooping! ☺️ Just no ice because it burns and shocks the stems and barely waters anything more than the tiny section of top soil!
@Shells_Garden it’s about 5 ft from a north facing window
@TheFernFae awesome! Thank you for the help πŸ₯³β€οΈ
@Plantbonanza Of course! πŸ’• I wish you the best of luck with your lily! πŸ₯°
That is a perfect place. The North facing windows don’t get the extremely strong rays during the day so that would be an ideal spot. Best of luck. I think you can save her with a little extra care for a few weeks. Just keep an eye on her and ensure her soil stays evenly moist. You should see that green flower slowly turn white!