
Posted 1M ago by @LikelyDaboecia

Brown spots and discoloured stem?

I was just watering my succulent (I think it’s a ghost plant but i’m not 100% sure) and I noticed this brown spot! It is easily removable but the stem also turned a little pink in that area, is it sunburn or should I be worried? #GhostPlant #SucculentSquad #HelpMeNameMyPlant #help
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
I wouldn’t worry just yet. It may be a sun stress spot. I’d keep a close eye on it but to me it doesn’t look threatening.
could be a few things. It could be scarring, it could be a fungal infection, or it could be sunburn. Because of where it's located, I'm going to say probably not sunburn. You'd expect to see sunburn on the areas that get the most light, often the tips closest to the window. If it spreads, it could be a fungal infection, if it doesn't spread, it's probably just scarring. If you can, you should wipe it down with neem oil just in case
unless that area does happen to be one that gets the most light, of course. But that's usually not the case so close to the stem and on leaves closer to the bottom than the top
@SesameSeeds777 Thanks so much for the insight- I’m new to plants so I wasn’t 100% sure of any other things. I’ll definitely use the neem oil. For future reference what causes fungal infection? I just want to keep an eye on it
I'm not 100% sure it is fungal, the neem oil is just in case. Some things that prevent fungal infections would be to remove any decaying matter from the soil and remove any dead leaves, keep the plant in brighter conditions (not always possible depending on the plant), and to make sure the plant and soil isn't constantly moist.
And even if you do all of those things, sometimes fungal infections still occur
@SesameSeeds777 Yeah it’s very weird, i can’t find any pictures online to match- the brown part literally almost peels off if tnag makes sense, it’s not imbedded into the leaf- i found some other spots too
well if it peels off, it's not sunburn or scarring. I'm still not 100% sure it's fungal, but fungal infections do wipe off, so that checks.
It's not sunburn nor sunstress, because light shines on leaves in the first place, not on stems. The pink is a kind of stress . Now, the reason for that stress: is it a bug?
@SvelteKingfern Thankfully no just a bit of soil I forgot to dust off! The spot on the left however seems to be inside the stem and hadn’t moved so i’m assuming it’s something else