What are these white bugs on my plants and are they harmf...

12” pot with drainage

Last watered 1 week ago
Anything in numbers that big can't be good! I am no good at pest id though. I'll add some hashtags to get more people to see your post #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #petsandplants #greggang
Hi Jessica!
There are several white bugs that can be harmful to your plant but I am having a hard time pinpointing what you are dealing with here.
Based on their shape they are not mealy bugs. But I can't see them clearly enough to see if they are thrips, white flies, or maybe a type of aphid. Could you take a closer up photo?
Either way, I'd suggest giving it a very thorough shower with Natria, dish soap, neem oil, or whatever your choice of best control is.
There are several white bugs that can be harmful to your plant but I am having a hard time pinpointing what you are dealing with here.
Based on their shape they are not mealy bugs. But I can't see them clearly enough to see if they are thrips, white flies, or maybe a type of aphid. Could you take a closer up photo?
Either way, I'd suggest giving it a very thorough shower with Natria, dish soap, neem oil, or whatever your choice of best control is.
These look like spider mites. Do you see any webbing anywhere (to confirm)? The most effective method for eliminating spider mites involves using insecticidal soap (or use 1 drop of washing up liquid per 700ml of water ans spray the plant), which effectively suffocates them. Begin by meticulously wiping the plant or giving it a thorough shower to remove the webbing (essential for eradicating the infestation properly, as the webbing protects the eggs). Next, prepare the soap as per the instructions and saturate the plant with it. Ensure thorough coverage. Repeat this process weekly for three weeks, and the spider mites should be eradicated.