
Posted 1M ago by @CasualOnionweed

Self watering? #HappyPlants

I bought this from Target. It was advertised as a self watering plant. Should I keep the string sitting in water or remove the string? Should I repot it? #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #NewPlantMom
3ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Repot it. It will be the best for the plant. Also it’s such a beautiful plant!
@CasualOnionweed I have a couple of those planters and the string is supposed to stay in the water. However, on the one that I have you double the string so there are two ends hanging in the water.
I hate when retail stores do this to sell a neat looking product. The snake plant will do much better without the self watering unless you really monitor the water intake and schedule.
Thanks @grateful_68 @Hoyaobsessed @Usine
I think I’ll repot it and stick to watering it myself. Should I chose a similar size pot as the one it’s in now? It’s a very tiny pot.
If your questioning pot size go up just one more size.
@Hoyaobsessed okay will do. Thank you!
@CasualOnionweed a smaller pot for self watering ( just a thought) you don’t want to much dirt: repotting for growth 1 size up.