
Posted 1M ago by @NewTexassotol

In one month I am down to just two leaves. Some stems are...

2ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
I agree with @MariansOasis ! I think the pot is way too big. It appears to be retaining too much moisture which will cause the leaves to fall off or this will lead to root rot!

I’d definately suggest taking it out of its pot and evaluate the roots. If there’s any funky smell or grey/mushy roots I’d recommend gently removing those and spraying the remaining roots with 3% hydrogen peroxide spray.

If there’s nothing wrong w the roots, perfect! Regardless, I’d highly recommend repotting it into a much smaller pot…maybe 8” diameter. Repot with fresh, well draining soil and only water when the top 2” of soil are dry!!

I hope this helps a bit 🀍
Mine isn’t fairing well either. It was one of my favorites
πŸ‘‹ @NewTexassotol it possibly could be that a 12” pot is too big for the size of the plant. Did you repot it when you got it? It looks happy and healthy in the profile pic but again kinda small for the pot. When a pot is too big the plant’s roots they can’t take up all the water. Then root rot could set in.
All summer this plant was beautiful when the heater came on I started noticing yellowing and falling leaves. I ve moved Sol to the door The last two leaves are holding on. I ll replace the pot with a smaller one and new soil