
Posted 1M ago by @SacredOlivetree

My snake plant is starting to brown on a couple leaves, a...

#Dracaena #SnakePlantSquad #SnakePlant
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Could be an excess or lack of water, I typically only water my snake plants if when I pinch their leaves and they feel β€œsoft”. Also while typically sold as a β€œlow light” plant, they really do require a decent light source to thrive. To improve the look of your plant you can simply snip off the brown bits with a pair of clean, sharp scissors and it will naturally callous over.
It can be a number of things. They like their soil to completely dry out before you water them, it could be not enough humidity or the water you’re giving it could have too many chemicals in it, or possibly pests of some sort
Thank you both I snipped off the brown ends and put it outside for some more light!