
Posted 1M ago by @FunJacaranda

Does anyone know what these spots are?

My syngonium has been doing really well over the last few months with new growth and bigger leaves, but now all of a sudden I’m seeing brown/yellow spots again like when I first got it. Could this be brown spot fungus or what else? I checked for any bugs and wiped him down but idk what else I can do to help
2ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@FunJacaranda Hello! Love the name Homer. πŸ˜„ I also have a plant named Homer. named after a late great uncle. πŸͺ΄Your Syngonium is beautiful. Is it possible that the spots could be from a little over watering or just the soil staying damp too long? I know I’ve been having g a little trouble with this lately because of the winter weather, lack of sunlight, cooler temps. Some of my plants just aren’t drinking up their water as fast.