
Posted 4w ago by @Bjordy15

My plant started to drop some leaves and I’m following th...

8ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
@Bjordy15 just never, ever move her again nor look at her too long πŸ˜‚ good luck.
Mine recently went through the same thing, I think it got freaked out from getting too much sun and then me moving it.
I also recently moved away from to much direct sunlight, maybe like a week ago!! But wonder if there is anything I can do to prevent losing more leaves
@Bjordy15 They hate to be moved. I keep mine in an east facing window with full sun and let it totally dry out in between . It also needs good drainage holes . Yours says there’s no drainage which could mean a whole host of other issues.
Just a reminder the watering habits here on Greg are learned by the app, if you feel your plant is too wet, snooze the watering option that day 😊 fiddle leaf figs hate humans and if you move it or look at it the wrong way it will throw all its leaves on the floor, then mock you while you pick up said thrown leaves πŸ˜‚
@ILoveMyPlants and @PlantBeach thank you for the responses, I will not be moving it anymore, and I just came back home and she dropped 2 more leaves:( , I also have been monitoring the soil and making sure it gets dry before adding water. The pot has draining holes, that its something I need to fix in the app.
@PlantBeach LOL πŸ˜‚ you’re right it’s a plant to set and forget. I do peek from time to time though I wouldn’t want to get caught . @Bjordy15 I’m sorry for your loss of leaves and hope we’ve helped you some . Most importantly fix the details to better serve you in the future.
@Bjordy15 also, it’s a tree. It needs stress to develop a strong trunk. Shake it when you water it. Sounds weird but it’s a thing…
Hey there!
It's been my experience that by following the plant instructions to a letter you can actually kill you plant through over watering 😬
Don't water until the first 2 inches of topsoil are dry. Tap water can also eventually kill them because of the chemicals it contains! Try using distilled, rain, or deep well water. And! Your guy might prefer to be bottom watered?
I hope this helps a little... β˜ΊοΈπŸ€žπŸ‘