
Posted 1M ago by @Riverleafwing


I literally woke up to 20-30 ants trailing toward my succulent Sunset. They were coming from a crack in my window frame and trailing FAST. I think they were going for the water and aren't damaging her, and eventually went away. Should I move Sunset next time, even though this spot is one of the only ones that meet their needs? All answers are appreciated! #hensandchicks #antsareevil
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
Best Answer
Try covering up the window crack. Iโ€™m not sure what else to do, unfortunately.๐Ÿง๐Ÿ˜…
After the ants went away, I took the plant out (I'm terrified of ants for some reason even though I love picking up wild snakes and lizards) sprayed the crack with Dawn dish spray (my mom says she likes using it to kill ants since it's very effective) and wanted to glue the crack shut but wasn't allowed to for some reason ๐Ÿ’€
@Riverleafwing you can always lay sticky traps around the pot to catch the ants. Like the yellow ones for gnats or I get clear ones from Amazon for flies and spiders.
I heard from another post that some put moats around their plants. I might try that on mine, but I don't want to overwater her, and the ants were probably going for the water anyway.. I might try sticky traps, perhaps.
Had that same problem...bought tetra liquid ant bait..they went straight to that ate the bait went back to nest and haven't seen one since...caulked the spot they were coming in at more ants. If your afraid to use ant bait you can also build a moat or sprinkle cinnamon around the plant they will not cross the cinnamon...but they will still come in the house..I live in the middle of the State Forest and critters are even have a black rat snake that visits my basement all the time.. #livingwithnature
I love snakes and other reptiles, too. I had some Alligator lizards that lived under my doormat ๐Ÿ˜†

Also, we use ant bait all the time, but they just prefer more plant based food ;-;