
Posted 1M ago by @Imissmydeaddog

Why why why why

I have the snow queen Pothos that I chopped a few weeks ago and she has a new leaf that is coming out all green can you please help me? I don’t know what’s the issue I would appreciate 1000 times thank you 1 million times. Oh, and this area root is growing into the soil for some reason #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantCorner #ThanksForPhotosynthesis #SnowQueenPothos #Help #NotSoHappyPlants #variegatedplants #Variegated #SaturdayPothosSquad
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 months ago
To have variegation you have to make sure it gets enough light, it looks like it is hidden behind a few larger leaves. So maybe try rotating it often. As for the aerial roots it’s because it came in contact with the soil so if you leave it there it will likely root.
@FamedBroadbean it’s right in front of a northeast facing window but I will moove the plant a little and it gets bright indirect light for the whole day and a little bit of direct sun in the morning
I’ve found that keeping those leaves close to bright light helps, too. My variegated plants seem to do better with the consistency of plant lights.
@AloeThereFronds is it enough light
@Imissmydeaddog maybe? What I like about using the plant lights is that I know I can turn it on and off when I pick to. So the plant gets its 12 hours a day (or more) no matter what the weather’s like. πŸ™‚
Do I seriously need to move it to a window with direct sunlight
@Imissmydeaddog I would. 🀷🏻 All of my pothos without grow lights are in windows with direct light except for my neon. It gets too crispy.
@AloeThereFronds are you serious I thought all pothos HATE direct sun
@Imissmydeaddog I mean, they aren’t in the direct sunlight all day. They probably get 2-3 hours in the afternoon. I rotate them about once a week.
@AloeThereFronds oh mine gets about 3-4 hours in the morning