
Posted 1M ago by @LeadFoxtailfern

Prayer plants colors?

Morning to all, I accidentally came across some info and I'm looking to verify could someone please tell me what colors prayer plants can come in? I'm aware of the red and green .Thanks for the help,info and mostly your time and thoughts.
2ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 days ago
Yes!!! That’s a prayer plant in green!! Eek! Do you mean a prayer plant or calathea ?🀩πŸ₯ΉπŸŒ± they come in all colors too! I have a purple and a pink and black / green one of those!! (One of them died though, be vigilant for pests & fungus) um but here’s the difference between a Prayer Plant & a Calathea (which yes is only variegated in green / pink or red) - see last photo for screenshot!
Yes, its a green one [or standard, if you like]. Confusingly, i came across a proper red one of this, but when i search it up it came up with green and red stripe