
Posted 1M ago by @GoodBeakedyucca

Laylee is a banana plant.

I have never had a banana plant before and I'm figuring things out on the fly. Laylee has some healthy new growth but the middle plant hasn't grown in months. And the leaves are yellowing. What do I do? Should I cut the leaves? Repot? I need help.
4ft to light, indirect
9” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Hi! It says the pot has no drainage so that’s the first big issue. All plants need pots with holes so excess water can get out. The yellowing leaves look like overwatering to me. But it can also be that it’s not getting enough light/heat. These are tropical so it’s best to mimic those conditions the best that you can! πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
Probably nutrient deficiencies...

Potassium deficiency:Β Leaves turn yellow at the edges.Β Use a fertilizer rich in potassium.Β 

Magnesium deficiency:Β Leaves turn yellow in the middle.Β Apply a small amount of dolomite lime to the soil or spray the leaves with a mixture of water and Epsom salts.Β 

Iron deficiency:Β Young leaves turn a pale yellowish tinge.Β Use a foliar kelp solution or iron supplements.Β 

Nitrogen deficiency:Β Old leaves turn yellow.Β 

Sulfur deficiency:Β New leaves turn yellow.
@RealSimpleMama the pot it's in does have some drainage- I do need to get a better pot though. I'm just using the one it came in. I do believe the yellowing leaves are from overwatering. There was a big learning curve when I first got it. And I have a little plastic tent for it to keep the heat in. I'm not sure what to do about the yellowing leaves and the stunted growth on the middle plant.
@SelfmadeSalsify I think a lot of the tellowing has to do with overwatering (a mistake I made in the beginning) but I will try to find some of these items! Thank you.
@GoodBeakedyucca hi! Ok I would cut off the damaged leaves as they won’t heal. But don’t worry. Bananas are usually fast growers. EXCEPT if it’s winter where you are, it’ll slow down and go dormant. But they grow (depending on the variety) 15+ feet a year!
@RealSimpleMama good to know! It is winter here, but there is a lot of new growth. There are two smaller plants that started growing shortly after getting the main plant. Should I still cut the leaves even though it's winter?
@GoodBeakedyucca that’s up to you! Even though your damage is overwatering, usually people whack them to the ground in a big CHOP around the first freeze. They’re cut back and then grow all over again!
@RealSimpleMama good to know! I've never had to cut a plant back before so I'll have to look into that. I really appreciate all your help on this. Do you have any advice???