
Posted 1M ago by @CozyBiglaurel

Yellow leaves on Diffenbachia

#Dieffenbachia #NewPlantMom something is going on with Orwell because she has a few yellow leaves and I don’t know why definitely do not overwater. I let her get to the dry of my water meter before I water. Any guidance ya yo e has would be great 😊
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
It actually doesn’t look too bad from your photo. your card indicates you have it under a grow light. The grow light could be scorching the leaves if indeed you have it under one. Dieffenbachia’s like bright indirect sunlight and lots of humidity since they are tropical plants. Too much sun will kill them so if you have a grow light shining on it all day, I’d consider cutting back on the time and strength. Maybe cut it back to 6 hours a day at medium to medium low strength. I have several of these plants and there are a few under or around grow lights but I only use them 4-6 hours a day. I do also have a humidifier in the room where 4 of the 5 plants live. The first one is in my office with no humidifier. I just mist her every few days.
@Shells_Garden OMG yours are beautiful I was trying to get the recent photo up but couldn’t. I’ll try reducing the hours with the grow light and see if it gets better. Thank you so much for your advice. 😊
@CozyBiglaurel you are too kind. Thank you. I do work hard on them! Sometimes it’s just trial and error with a lot of research mixed in. I had the same issue with that smallest one at first. He was stubborn. If you don’t have a humidifier you can always substitute a tray of water filled with small pebbles under the plant to create more humidity. That combined with reducing the light exposure should perk her up! Good luck!
@Shells_Garden I’ll try that as well. Did your little one get big? I love big plants but trying to grow them from scratch.
@CozyBiglaurel yes! He was probably about 4 inches. He was a split from one of the mother plants when I repotted it. I split that baby off in August. Here she is when I first repotted her (pink pot) and she’s probably twice that size now. Shes also way in a 5 inch pot now. Here is my other tiny baby I just split from the large reflector in my office. I like to propagate/spilit out the small babies so I can have small plants that I make grow tall myself too!
@Shells_Garden this πŸ˜ŠπŸ’šβœ¨οΈ I had to move mine bc he was getting too much southern exposure light. I just got a humidifier to see if it makes a difference during the winter, especially.
@SteffyHazPlants I know the feeling. They can get pretty temperamental. I moved one of mine 3 times now. I had him in the bathroom but there isn’t enough light so I moved him to a north window that got sun from the west. He still wasn’t happy so I moved him closer to the south window and humidifier. He seems to be happy and doing much better there. I do supplement light with grow lights in the morning for a few hours (until about 10:00 am when the sun finally hits that room) and then I shut them off until 4pm and turn them back on till around 8 pm each day. It’s been working because I have new growth!
@Shells_Garden totally! But worth it, lol! I've got a supplemental grow light that seems to do well for mine too.... despite the growth slowing lately which I'm hoping it's just the winter effect. πŸ™ my humidifier arrives today so I'm curious to track the changes from here with this guy and some of my others. I would love to get an 8ft tall #Dieffenbachia like my dad had in our house growing up. We had high vaulted ceilings and the thing took over! Thing was 15-20yrs old, crazy huge!
@SteffyHazPlants I’m sure you will notice the difference. I bought a really cheap and basic one on Amazon for $35. I have a big plant room and it works great in there. I’ve noticed a considerable difference in the color, growth and health of my plants in just the 4 months or so I’ve had it. You won’t be disappointed! By the way, my friend has a ginormous one in her house. She’s had it 20+ years too. It takes up a whole corner of her room. I can only aspire to keep my plants alive that long!
@Shells_Garden oh good! I'm really looking forward to it now. I put it off thinking nah.... don't NEED it but there was a deal on one I had my eye on so.... plus I notice my poor skin has been parched lately so if I feel it, they for sure are.