
Posted 1M ago by @TopGreenmound

I'm a wannabe savior who's becoming a murderer πŸ₯²

A cafe I worked at had an upper level that was filled with neglected plants; there was a giant golden pothos I always admired. Despite having a small pot, rarely being watered, and never seeing sunlight the plant thrived. It had multiple stems that were several meters long and covered in many green leaves. When my boss announced the cafe was closing, I asked if I could have the pothos. Bossman said he didn't care so I took it home. I had two other pothos that did well in my living room so I put it there. I kept it in the same pot, did a quick soak (the soil was bone dry), and placed it a few meters from a western facing window. Within a week, the leaves closest to the roots started to turn yellow and other random leaves turned brown. I have no idea what to do! The only difference I can think of is that my apartment is colder than the cafe. Any tips so I dont kill this beautiful plant? #GoldenPothos #help
15ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@TopGreenmound It is probably so used to low light & being dry and neglected that it's in shock.
Also possible / things to consider:

1) A quick soak is not enough. If it was as neglected as it sounds, and BONE dry, then it's like the soul is hydrophobic. It can take days to get soil like that to recondition, and some never gets wet again. Did you water from the top? Even though it looks wet, if you scratch the surface, only the top 1/8" is wet and the rest of the water is channeling straight to the bottom drain making you THINK you've given it a drink, when in reality it is still bone dry.

2) It has been so used to being dry, that its roots are dried up and dry rot set in.

3) The soil is too wet and encouraging rot.

These are only some of the possibilities. It needs TLC, but probably not a hover mom. I would probably give it a trim and propagate 5 or 6 stems so that you can start some healthy new growth in a new pot with FRESH soil.
It is very normal that the leaves that are oldest (closest to the roots) die because of old age.
So don't start to panic (yet).
Can you spot some signs of new leaves growing?
It can take a little longer if the plant is far away from sunlight, so wait and see.

Nonetheless, it could be an idea to check the roots of your plant. Is the plant root bound? If so, you could plant him in a bigger pot (add perlite to the soil so the roots can breathe and water can drain).

I really hope that you can still become a plant saviour.
You could take some cuttings and propagate the plant. This ensures that you still have some of it if the mother plant should pass away.
Yeah that’s shock. However, can you show us photos? That way we can assist you? A close up and one zoomed out. Overhead photo something similar to the photo I will share.

It probably adopted to getting its water from the humidity in the air. Don’t cut the leaves, let them die naturally. If you cut before figuring this out, the issue can spread really fast. Imagine being extremely hydrated then someone gives you a gallon of water, you’re going to have issues.

Is the plant leaves browning on the edges or weird locations like in the center or random? Edges is low humidity. Random locations could be a separate issue.

Golden Pothos are extremely resilient so I doubt it’ll die. It’s just going to adjust. Check the roots to see if it’s root bound.
This what I meant with the photo examples.
I poured over 250 ml. Any water that drained out the bottom I continued to pour over until no liquid was left. This left the first few layers of soil damp but not wet. I normally soak my pothos but I wanted to ease this one in since previous owner didn't soak.

Thanks for the advice!
@PlantJedi The oldest leaves started to yellow first and the yellowing has travelled up the stems. The small new leaves at the very tips rapidly and randomly turned brown around the edges before drying out completely.
There's no sign of new leaves growing so that's part of why I'm nervous.

I wanted to wait for it to acclimate a bit before I switched pots. I think I'll need to do that this weekend.
@TopGreenmound shock. See if you can get your hands on fertilizer. It’ll take a month for it to work but once she starts growing… repot her into new soil.
Awww..don't give up! I have the same issues sometimes. I have had several pathos over the years. They thrive and when I move....they slowly wither and die. I can never figure out exactly why. I know just accept it....plants are like people. They don't always adapt to every environment πŸ˜‰