
Posted 1M ago by @ClassicLavender

Lily my Swiss Cheese Monstera adansonii needs more suppo...

#Monstera #SwissCheeseVine #Monstera
1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
Best Answer
I prefer moss poles or coco coir poles then their aerial roots can easily attach as they climb.

Be sure to choose soon though because she is getting kinda big. With vining plants it’s important to do it when the vines are young because their vines will bend and twist around whatever you choose easier. As the vines get older and thicker they can sometimes break if you try to wrap them around a pole. I also like the moss poles because they are light and when repotting you can just lay the plant on its side on the ground to easily repot and never have to remove it from its pole.
I find a good long sturdy piece of wood will always the job.
Monstera's aren't always that picky and it mimicks what they would naturally climb anyway.
But if not, then a diy moss pole is also a fun project
@ClassicLavender I just recently got one here from the #gregplantshop and it came to me in a hanging basket. I googled to see what mature vines look like planted in a hanging pot and they don't look too bad. It's an option! ☺️
@gardenspider im working on a diy moss pole right now! My Thai con is due an up pot anyway, but she’s working on another Ariel root and I want to keep her growing upwards, so I just bought some bamboo sticks and a roll of coir and am gonna hope for the best!
I have my smaller one adonassi on a plant stand at the moment and he hangs down. I do have moss poles on other plants but I have bamboo trellises for both my large Monstera deliciosa’s . I bought them from Amazon and they worked well even on my tomato vines this year. I also have two Peruvian Lilly vines growing on the trellis. Here is a photo
@SuperbRaspfern Thank you! I’ve been fretting over the whole how to repot with a climbing trellis issue. I appreciate your advice. I’ll head to the garden store tomorrow and get some nice moss or coir poles to help her climb.
@ClassicLavender Your welcome πŸ’•