
Posted 1M ago by @LiftLashPlant

Wondering Dude Propagation

My sister gave me cuttings from her wandering dude. They’ve been in water for about a month. The roots growing look long but thin. Should I wait longer to move over to soil? Any tips appreciated I want to do it right πŸ’• #WanderingJew #WanderingDude #TradescantiaZebrina #Propagation #PropagationStation
Last watered 5 days ago
Impressive! I don’t think it matters for them. Some good succulent soil will make it grow like wild fire.
You could try adding soil to the water a little bit each day to help them transition without too much shock.
Gigi, those roots look awesome! I just recently received several cuttings of the same plant from my mom. That is what the root system looked like when I planted the propagations into the soil.
@ForestDweller thanks! I just recently heard of this method and I’m trying it with another propagation that wasn’t doing well after sooo so I put it back in water for awhile and have been adding soil. It’s still hard to tell if that one will make it but it couldn’t been a lost cause to begin with. I’m going to try this thank you!
@theloveofplants Awesome! I’m looking forward to having one of these so I didn’t wanna try it too soon I won’t see my sister again for awhile to get any more cuttings so I didn’t wanna act too soon. Appreciate you!
@PlantJedi Cool! Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate you!
@LiftLashPlant - Oh, I totally get that completely! These plants are so much fun to own! And pretty forgiving, from what I have experienced. I LOVE the color πŸ’œπŸ˜ They love to be pinched back to encourage fuller and β€œbushy” growth! First picture is one that my mom propagated and the second picture is my propagation. I have already made another propagation with the original plant she gave me πŸ˜†
Ummmm also - she sent me a picture of this one - it was in a little antique shop while they were on vacation. WOWSA! I want it! 🀩
I could say more but sometimes saying less is better. They don’t get crazy strong roots in the beginning. I can share my sister plant journey and its roots were smaller than yours when I potted her in her now semi permanent home. Some plants are just extremely resilient and the wandering Jew family is beyond resilient. She’s only 3 months old and after succulent soil she went from 2nd picture to third picture in two weeks to the last one which is now.
@PlantJedi @theloveofplants Oh my GOSH. First of all. All of yours are gorgeous 🀩 and that one snapped at the antique store is amazing holy cow!! My sister just text me and said the same thing that they are on the resilient side. I’m not sure if I have succulent soil. I have aroid. I think you might have been the one who told me to get that for my philos perhaps. I have that and I have tropical soil and regular old miracle grow potting soil
@LiftLashPlant oh that’s just my plant stand shelves. But if you mix indoor with tropical… It should be good enough for the initial potting.
@LiftLashPlant πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
I love it!!!! 😍
@LiftLashPlant ooh yes… I can’t wait to watch them πŸ’₯! If anything goes wrong… please do not hesitate to tag. I don’t give advice and walk away lol
@PlantJedi @theloveofplants Thank you guys! It means a lot to me. Everyone on this app is so helpful and nice to me. I really appreciate you all and the whole community on Greg.
@LiftLashPlant - I agree with @PlantJedi - let us know if you have any other questions! πŸ’œ We are all happy to help! The Greg Community is just so great! We appreciate YOU too!!