
Posted 7M ago by @Petal_Pal

Soooooo… when can I expect my little bulb to sprout?

I bought this little Albuca Concordiana bulb a few weeks ago and I have 0 experience with this particular plant. The bulb looks pretty healthy I guess? It’s green and plump looking. It’s got its own dedicated grow light for 14 hours a day, mix of half succulent soil and half perlite, not near an ac… when can expect sprouts? I can’t wait to see her little curly leaves! #SucculentSquad #help
5ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
I put my outside by accident literally had it in my hand and set down by front door outside man I know it’s all ready flowered once but it’s June and outside in North Texas. For this instance it don’t always go like they say it will.