Pineapple leaves are turning blue-gray and won't root
I created a propagation of a pineapple a few days ago, and now its leaves are turning blue-gray and won't root. I noticed the water was a little tinted, but I thought I shouldn't change it yet. Why is it doing this?
#pineapple #propagationstation #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #notsohappyplants #plantaddict
#pineapple #propagationstation #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #notsohappyplants #plantaddict
@Catplantaddict Hey Leafeong, did you allow the top to dry out before trying to propagate it?
@Seymour no, I thought I didn't need to. What do I do instead?
@Catplantaddict the link above suggest one approach but usually it is best to let the pineapple dry out a little. You may just need to be patient as it takes a while to grow roots in any event.
Agreed with @Seymour! In my very limited experience, the top will die back while rooting, and it can take 3 months or so to show new growth once the roots are established. Good luck!