
Posted 1M ago by @Shamrock

I have never kept a poinsettia and I really want to keep ...

5ft to light, indirect
8โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Be mindful of its location. Not too close to heat source and only water as needed. Too much water and root rot will set in. Good luck!
Hi hi
This worked with mine last year:
-No windy places
-Enough idirect sun
-Keep soil hydrated but not soggy
-water from bottom, from time to time from top to bottom
-Cut leaves in March or April (put cinnamon in the milky substance when pruning o) and change soil as well so it can start growing again.
-Rain will make it weak so avoid rain.

I lost mine in June last year because of the rain, now I am trying to give it another shot this year ^^

I have this video (In Spanish) if you are curious about the process of pruning a poinsettia ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’š:
Thank you both! It will be inside with grow lights if that helps.
They'll never last in heat. And by heat i mean 30-32ยฐC [86-89.6ยฐF]

Try smt more of 26ยฐC at most [78.8ยฐF]