
Posted 11M ago by @Aromatics

Can anyone please help ID pests found on butterfly pea?

Hey all, today I received a butterfly pea plant from FL and noticed issues with foliage. Was able to see very small pests moving about, along with honeydew, leaf damage, brown spotting, etc. I took a lot of photos showing extent of poor condition.

Can anyone help ID these? In first photo, they look too small to be aphids, more like mites - or whitefly babies? I’m really not sure - any help would be appreciated.
0ft to light, indirect
9” pot with drainage
Last watered 11 months ago
It’s tough to tell, but tiny and white makes me think thrips.
@debbiedo damn - whatever it is, it’s going to be a pain to spray the entire thing down, so many leaves
I would use alcohol on a cotton ball and go over every leaf I know it'll be hard but it'll be worth it it's a pretty plant
@Aromatics yeah, no fun. Here’s my method at the moment: isolate the plant (I use the bath tub), cut off any dead or dying leaves/branches, spray with neem oil or insecticide spray (I haven’t used @MaximalChickory β€˜s idea yet, but I plan to), treat soil with Bonide granules (if you don’t like systemics, there are natural options for soil treatment too), leave it isolated for at least one pest life cycle (30 days is a standard suggestion), repeat until you don’t see them anymore. You’ll definitely feel like you won a battle when you’re done 😁