Curled leaf - help!
I adopted a couple of #Monstera cuttings back in May that had developed some roots. Once in my home, I put them in water with the intention of potting them up but ended up being a bit busy (and not having the potting supplies needed) so I left them in the water. Over the past 2.5-ish months that I've had them, I kept the water topped up and added some fertilizer but unfortunately wasn't very consistent about it. This one has curled up recently so I've potted it in soil just now - will this be enough to help this leaf uncurl? Anything else I can do? TIA #gregfam!
#plantsmakepeoplehappy #help #monsteramob #monsteramonday #plantsthatmakeyougohmm #plantmafia #plantssavedmymentalhealth #plantingonabudget
#plantsmakepeoplehappy #help #monsteramob #monsteramonday #plantsthatmakeyougohmm #plantmafia #plantssavedmymentalhealth #plantingonabudget

5ft to light, indirect

4β pot with drainage

Last watered 6 days ago
@Tameka yes! Sorry, I thought adding my plant would make its photo gallery accessible.
@PiousGermanivy thanks, Terren - wish that was the case but it's been in facing the window... π€·πΎββοΈ the other rooted monstera leaf didn't experience this even though they were in the same jar of water until yesterday when I finally potted them in soil. I did a bit more reading and at least for potted monsteras it might be a lack of nutrients. It strangely might also be that it was having trouble getting water (while in a jar of water, which is confusing) but as mentioned I may have neglected topping up the fertilizer in the past month so I think the two cuttings may have been competing for nutrients. Hoping the new soil gives them the boost they need π€π½π