
Posted 1M ago by @StrangeAnimal

Any good tips for Baby's Tears?

I've had a bit of a die-off of some plants, and as a preventative measure, I'm asking now #greggang. Do you have any tips on how to make these thrive? #babystears #stayinalive #pilea #plantssavedmymentalhealth #planttherapy #adhdplantlovers #indoorgardening #plantsmakepeoplehappy
18ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 hours ago
@StrangeAnimal what a truly incredible plant! It’s in perfect condition! I can’t wait to see it thrive in your care! You’re really on the right track with everything - well draining soil mix, terracotta pot, grow light. For the light- is it a 20w, 40w? How much β€œlight” is the plant friend 🌱 getting? Best of luck!! You are going to crush this! Little plant baby will be thriving and growing wild in no time🀩πŸ₯³πŸŒ±
20w, slightly offset from the dead-centre under the light alongside some other lower-light plants and terraria. The timer is set for 8h, but is set at a lower level to simulate indirect light (dimmable).
@StrangeAnimal that’s perfect! If you don’t like the growth you’re seeing just move closer to grow light if possible! Don’t water til dry, best of luck!! I’m stoked to see this plant thrive ✨🀩🌱
@StrangeAnimal I have one! I’ve killed one and kept one aliveπŸ˜‚ They need to stay moist but not wet. I have found a succulent mix with perlite, mixed 50/50 works best. I have mine in a self watering pot, to maintain moisture, in an east window. Lots of bright indirect light but it can’t handle like a south or west kind of sun.
THIS IS WHY I CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS! Absolutely knocked this baby off of its perch. Have cleared up the damage and is now getting TLC