
Posted 1M ago by @Seymour

Whatโ€™s My Name? #helpmenamemyplant

#cpclubthursday CP CLUB THURSDAY for December 12, 2024 (Part 2!)
โ€œBecause if itโ€™s Thursday, itโ€™s Carnivorous Plants Clubโ€ฆmostly! โ€œ

Welcome to #cpclubthursday
FOCUS: Sarracenia flowers forming
And my new yellow Sarracenia needs a name! #HelpMeNameMyPlant

I realize this is belated for a Thursday however I only just saw these Sarracenia including some with flowers at a local Gardening Center so hereโ€™s some photos. I also took some videos of some flies getting drunk on the dew under the lids but they take a while to get drunk and fall in.

So I bought the yellow one that was the largest as I couldnโ€™t get away from the color and it was attracting all the insects. But it didnโ€™t have any flowers (you canโ€™t win them all). It must have been attractive as the next thing was the salesperson went straight out and grabbed a smaller one of the same color ! I said that I should have received a commission for getting the sale!

Anyway I would love some name suggestions #HelpMeNameMyPlant
as I try to find a suitable name for this latest sarracenia. Iโ€™m hoping it catching lots of flies over summer.

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I have also added many previous posts about the conditions and care of various CPs in previous #cpclubthursday so I recommend people follow the hashtag, many of them also have my group #seymour so may be easier to find them there.

Add any interesting Carnivorous Plant (CP) facts, photos, or anything CP-related for this week.

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Happy Chompys ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿชฐ๐ŸฆŸ๐Ÿšซ

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#ForkedSundew #heliamphora #SpoonLeavedSundew #Drosera #CapeSundew #dormancy
3โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
@Seymour Cenas how SerraCENAs are also called trumpet plants, you could go with famous trumpet players: Miles or Davis ...or Miles Davis; Louis, Armstrong....or Louis Armstrong; Dizzy, Gillespie....or Dizzy Gillespie; Clifford Brown. Or go with a famous Australian trumpet players! There are many, according to Google. I've added the list in the pics. My favorites as names for your plant are Dizzy G., Tinkler, Angus, and/or Amira.
@Seymour #Seymour @Merranda Hey Merranda, as our resident Sarracenia expert, I was wondering if you could identify some of these different cultivators. Any that took your fancy? Do you like the flowering forming? Anyway hope you enjoy ๐Ÿ˜Š
@Seymour #Seymour
Some other CP photos from the visit
@Seymour Wow! What unique flowers!!!

Seymour, you asked for names, but have you posted which one you bought? I don't see a Greg card, so it's difficult to tell what you got....NM, I see it now.
@UltraKoreanfir Hey Melisse, I added it but then forgot when I had to redo the post ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธItโ€™s the big yellow one so hereโ€™s a heal of photos of it in case it inspires a name as it is currently randomly called Beckham and I want to kick ๐Ÿฆต โšฝ๏ธ ๐Ÿฅ… that name out of bounds !
@UltraKoreanfir more photos
"Ceno," Mother to Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale.

Note: correction - the proper name is "Ceto"
@UltraKoreanfir I really like the Ancient Greek names ! At least you didnโ€™t say John Cena LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Seymour ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I've Cena-nuf of him. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
@UltraKoreanfir I may need to be a peace maker โœŒ๏ธ in that case LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™ve had to wrestle with the presence of John Cena in the world !?!
@Seymour ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ Can't unsee that!!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
@Seymour omg those are absolutely beautiful!! Might have to teleport down to Australia real quick to go see them, lol !! They're absolutely stunning -- I'm not the best at identifying cultivars specifically but with the 3rd one it definitely looks like it's got some sort of Sarracenia Flava var. Rugelli in it. You can tell because of the bright yellow and red splotch on the throat of the pitchers. One of my personal favs !! Did the one that you got come with a cultivar / species name?
The flower is awesome too! the yellow flower also tells me that theres probably some sort of Sarracenia Flava in that hybrid, too. Did the flower smell (if you smelt it)? Ive read that Sarracenia flowers smell is reminiscent of cat urine. when my flava bloomed it didnt smell like that, so just curious :)
Thanks for sharing, always love seeing Sarracenia!! Extra nice to see currently since mine are dormant.
@Seymour I like the name Miles and know someone named after Miles Davis. Thereโ€™s an Aussie guy James Morrison (worth checking out)
However โ€œThe Great Satchmoโ€ is now a strong contender as you mentioned Louis Armstrong and in Good Morning Vietnam, after What a Wondeful World, Robyn Williams says it was โ€œThe Great Satchmoโ€.

โ€‹the popular name of the jazz musician Louis Armstrong. It was short for 'satchel mouth', because he had a very large mouth
@Merranda Hey Merranda this white one seemed to be considered a โ€œcollectorsโ€ cultivator. Unfortunately while Iโ€™m sure the seller (who I know) probably knows the cultivators, he didnโ€™t add them to the plant labels. But Iโ€™ll look into the var. Rugelli. I ended up with the large yellow one as the flies seemed to like it !
@Seymour thats cool, the collectors cultivar definitely looks like it's heavily influenced by Sarracenia Leucophylla. It's so beautiful -- makes sense that it's considered a collectors cultivar as S. Leucophylla is considered by lots to be the prettiest Sarracenia! It's definitely sad that they didn't add the names. Maybe at some point you could ask if you wanted to know?
@Seymour OMG your new CP is so beautiful!!!
@Seymour wish I had a carnivorous plant store ๐Ÿ˜ค. Iโ€™m going to try some sarracenia come spring
Was seeing tons of divisions for sell at start of fall but itโ€™s pretty dead out there now trying to find good ones I think.
This seams like a good thread to ask inโ€ฆ I was curious about sarrecenia overwintering . They donโ€™t go dormant from what Iโ€™ve read. But do they die back or what ? And what temps can they be left outside in ?
@Seymour What a beautiful sarraceniaโ€”I just love the bright yellow and red. Itโ€™s really spectacular! Iโ€™ll have to come up with some name suggestions, tho it sounds like you may have found one in Satchmo, the great Louis Armstrong. ๐ŸŽบ
@TheConservator I added some posts about winter dormancy and sarracenia in the last month or so at #cpclubthursday so if you click through the hashtag you may find them. Or add a group by adding # to your post or add eg @seymour. @merranda or @LaSiguanaba may be best to answer as they have sarracenia currently undergoing dormancy
They do experience dormancy in that they use the rest or recovery period over winter.
@TheConservator Hi! Sarracenia do go dormant. Different Species go dormant at varying times. For example, Sarracenia Flava are some of the first to put up pitchers when spring rolls around. But, they also are one of the first to go dormant. Sarracenia Oreophila is another 'early season' species, and they go dormant first and come out of dormancy first. Unlike Oreophila and Flava, Sarracenia Leucophylla is considered a late season plant. It will put out a few smaller pitchers in spring, but right before dormancy begins in Fall they put out tons of beautiful, strong pitchers.

Dormancy typically starts around October or November and goes until about April or late March I believe. In Florida it's a bit wacky because we don't get cold here until late November and we warm up in spring a lot faster. You'll know when your Sarracenia begins going dormant because it'll stop producing new growth and the remaining pitchers will begin crisping up. it kinda looks like they're dying, but I can assure you they aren't. My oldest sarracenia has been through 2 winters, this being the third, and is still going strong.

Sarracenia can be left outside in a pretty wide range of temps. In pots, they don't like extended temps below 20ยฐF or above 100ยฐF. The main thing in winter that gets them is of course when it's below 20ยฐF, but it's the wind chill and the freezing/thawing. You can mulch them and insulate the pots more to help with the cold too. Sarracenia Northwest on YouTube is a nursery based in Oregon that posts monthly care videos to show you how your plants should be doing. their most recent one, the December one, mentions sarracenia and the cold temps so that might be worth checking out too.
If you've got any questions I'm happy to help !
@Merranda thank you very much that was so helpful. That was my main concern was overwintering if they do go dormant. I actually have a cold frame in my backyard for potted perennials so Iโ€™d think it would be perfect for them overwinter in Kansas where windchill and the cold can get pretty bad! Iโ€™ve already found a few I like lol
And 1 more !
The seller is out of town until after Xmas though so it forces me to not impulse buy buy๐Ÿ˜‚
On another note just cause I know you had that black on your helio too. Mine seams to have just totally stabilized. No new damage and tiny new pitchers seam fine. Sucks to have the damage but it will fill in ! โ€ฆ..Gotta learn somehow . Howโ€™s yours doing @Merranda
Think it really helped me just to find several posts that said treat em like a nepenthes. I definitely was keeping it to wet
@Merranda This is really helpful infoโ€”thanks so much. Interestingly, I donโ€™t believe my sarracenia have gone dormant yet even tho I keep them outdoors here in Oregon. ๐Ÿค”
@TheConservator Anytime! Those Sarracenia are beautiful. One reason I like Sarracenia so much is because of the endless possibilities with the hybrids. Just to throw it out there, an awesome seller that I've bought Sarracenia from are Flytrapking (in one of the carolinas) . Flytrapking is awesome especially because they pretty much exclusively sell Sarracenia ! Pretty decent sized plants for the price, too.

My heliamphora is doing good so far still. It hasn't shown any signs of worsening at all luckily. I've been treating it as a Nepenthes, so hopefully it likes that :)
@LaSiguanaba thats interesting -- there's 3 sarracenia that hold onto their pitchers longer. Those 3 being Sarracenia Leucophylla, Sarracenia Psitticina, and Sarracenia Purpurea (S. Rosea might too .. not too sure about that but its close to s. Purpurea).
So if you've got a hybrid with any of those in it, maybe that's why?
@Merranda I believe mine are sarracenia leucophylla and the pitchers are just barely starting to slow down. Ironically, my sarracenia purpurea has definitely gone dormant or died. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Merranda one ofvthose leucophylla I posted pics of I remember reading the grower said stayed outside in Colorado all winter without shelter and was fine. Kind of amazed at that. But I also think he said it was a really late bloomer
@LaSiguanaba ๐Ÿ‘† and you too! Guess I canโ€™t reply to 2 people ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Iโ€™m actually gonna be going back through those soon and Reading on em again cause I may buy since they are so hardy.
@LaSiguanaba did you see those heliamophora I posted for sell on eBay !? You guys should buy one ! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Super nice fir the price I think
ThatGodzilla though. 475$๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Hrs going to message me in 2-3 months when he does fresh cuttings. Told me he could let a fresh go for 200
@TheConservator I have a little heliamphoraโ€ฆ itโ€™s pretty sweet! ๐Ÿ˜
You may be interested so here are the hybrids this supplier cultivates:

001. (Leucophylla x Excellens) x (Flava Atropurpurea x Leucophylla โ€œpink pubescentโ€™)
002. Mitchelliana x (Flava Atropurpurea x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescentโ€™ )
003. (Flava Atropurpurea x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescentโ€™ ) x (Mitchelliana x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescent โ€˜)
004. Flava Ornata x Mitcherlliana
005. Moorei x Leucophylla
006. Umluftiana x (Leucophylla x Umluftiana )
007. ( Flava Atropurpurea x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescentโ€™) x (Mitchelliana x Leucophylla)
008. (Flava Atropurpurea x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescentโ€™) x (Leucophylla x Umluftiana)
009. Mitchelliana x (Leucophylla x Umluftiana )
010. Big white top Moorei x Flava Atropurpurea
011. (Flava Atropurpurea x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescentโ€™) x Umluftiana
012. Leucophylla pink lip x Alata red throat
014 Large xMitchelliana hybrid
015 Moorei x Leucophylla โ€˜pink pubescentโ€™
@UltraKoreanfir Iโ€™ve decided to go with The Great Miles Satchmo ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘ ๐ŸŽบ Thanks for your suggestions and fun, Melisse
@Seymour ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™Œ
@Seymour another missed post! Ugh,,๐Ÿ˜ฉ however omg I love the photos and so wish I was THEREโ€ฆ to actually see these for my own self!! Outstanding photosโ€ฆ Thanks for sharing!! ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ•บ ๐Ÿ˜˜
@CourtlyKingfern My excuse is that it is a fly/bug catcher for outside. I checked today and it caught a large blowfly. I may post some more photos for this weekโ€™s #cpclubthursday
@Seymour sounds like a plan and I will be watching for your post!! ๐Ÿ˜ have a great week ahead.
@Merranda Wow this appears to be in Florida
@Seymour yep !! There's a lot in North FL! Sadly not super close to me (like a 3hr drive to see any like in the video.. Maybe as far as 5hrs ๐Ÿ˜…). It's worth the drive tho!! In July I saw a big field of Sarracenia Flava off of a highway. Some of the hoods of the pitchers were like the size of my hand, and goodness they were so so tall!! They're stunning. My favorite when they're in big fields like that is definitely Sarracenia Flava, because they're the most eye catching :)
I believe there's a Preserve just for Carnivorous plants too. This upcoming summer I'm gonna try and go to it -- apparently it has like 4 or 5 out of the 6 species of Sarracenia that grow in FL! There's also a swamp on the Florida and Georgia border that has the okefenokeensis variants of S. Minor and S. Psitticina, which are **huge** & only grows in that swamp (okefenokee swamp if you're curious).
@UltraKoreanfir it's Ceto goodness of sea monsters, not ceno ๐Ÿ˜‚. *Goddess
@ToMuchPlants It's "Goddess" not "goodness" ๐Ÿ˜† Touchรฉ!
@UltraKoreanfir Oups, I didn't realise, it's the phone who corrected me ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@UltraKoreanfir i can still edit it
@ToMuchPlants Yeah... the phone likely auto corrected me, too, in the original comment. (Footnote correction added to my original comment, but left "Cena" in place because of the hilarious comments that followed).๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚