It's been a week since I repotted her and her leaves keep...
10ft to light, indirect
18” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@teacher12 I watered her just two days ago, gave her a full drink until water was pouring out the bottom of the pot 😭
@BeatificViolet did you use filtered or rain water? Calatheas don’t do well with regular tap water.
@TheOddAsity it was filtered, I use the same water for her that I use for drinking myself
@BeatificViolet I don’t know what else can help you. I did a search for why leaves turn upwards and this is general information. Maybe something here will help.
Hi @BeatificViolet! You know calatheas can be divas and might throw a tantrum when something changes😅
She is probably struggeling a bit to get her roots to work properly after the repot. In that situation it might help to give her a humidity-boost so the leaves can get the water they need from the air to survive while the roots are recovering. You can just put the whole plant in a transparent plastic bag for a while to keep the humidity high inside😊 It has helped some of my calatheas when they were struggeling🪴
She is probably struggeling a bit to get her roots to work properly after the repot. In that situation it might help to give her a humidity-boost so the leaves can get the water they need from the air to survive while the roots are recovering. You can just put the whole plant in a transparent plastic bag for a while to keep the humidity high inside😊 It has helped some of my calatheas when they were struggeling🪴
@MockingJay, that's a good idea, I'll try that! Fingers crossed 😭
@BeatificViolet good luck! Let us know how it turns out 🍀🍀🍀
If it doesn't help there might have been something in the new soil she has reacted badly to, but hopefully she will recover and make new strong roots🪴
If it doesn't help there might have been something in the new soil she has reacted badly to, but hopefully she will recover and make new strong roots🪴