
Posted 1M ago by @GiddyPoinsettia

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong with my snake plant- ca...

I got this snake plant from a hardware store over a year ago, but I’ve been having issues with it since June. We went on a trip and I watered it, probably a bit too early then. It ended up with brown spots on its leaves, and the bottom was soggy- 2 long leaves met their demise (soggy and rotten and just fell off). I repotted because the bottom soil was not drying out, but it just looks sad and it’s very floppy. We get a lot of morning sun, it’s not by a vent, and our house is well insulated. I held off on watering it again until my moisture meter said it was dry.
0ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
A wooden chopstick is better. You can see exactly how far down is dry soil. Snake is roughy every 2 weeks.
@GiddyPoinsettia Welcome to the Greg community! Your Sansevieria is not drying out sufficiently because it’s sitting in a plastic pot. Plastic pot won’t let the soil/roots breathe (dry out). They are impervious and it looks as if the soil is not really well draining. To care for a snake plant indoors, place it in bright, indirect light, water only when the soil is completely dry to the touch, use well-draining potting mix, and avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot; essentially, they thrive on neglect and prefer minimal watering and fertilization. If I were you I’d take it out of its pot making sure that the roots are not stinky, mushy or rotten. If they show any signs of rot carefully cut them off. Then Iβ€˜d take fresh succulent soil mixed with with gritty soil and Perlite. Maybe even some coconut bark and then place the plant back in the new Terracotta pot. And don’t water it for about 5-7 days. Then water thoroughly let all the excess water run out the drainage holes. Then continue with minimal watering. Happy Growing!
@GiddyPoinsettia I think @Ms.Persnickety said it all perfectly. If you have already lost some leaves,I would check to make sure the rest of the root system is still healthy. I water my snake plants twice a month and I only give them 1/2 to 3/4 cup water.
Thank you all, I really appreciate it!