
Posted 1M ago by @QuakingAspen

Money tree rescue

Moved recently, all the plants survived well enough, except the newer Chinese money tree is shriveling up. Trunks are looking good, but the leaves are dry and green. #rescue #moneytree #bonsai #braidedtrunk
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
First I’ll starving that is not a Chinese Money Tree, Pilea Peperomioides. It is a Money Tree, Guiana Chestnut Tree. They are two different species of plant and have different needs.

So for your type of tree they after come braided. Is yours? If it is you will need to remove it from the pot and look for a rubber band at the bottom of the trunks right above the roots. You will have to look closely, they hide them very well. After you cut that off the trees usually do better.

A lot of times the trees really struggle and eventually die if the rubber band is not removed.

When you water try not to stick to a schedule these trees need to dry out completely before you water again. So to check this you need to stick you finger into the soil. If it’s moist or cool to the touch wait to water.
Sounds like shock. Keep a good lighting spot on her and hope for the best. Give it time
Also, I see your in Nebraska πŸ₯Άβ„️. Try to keep her away from the windows, or she will be unhappy.
@SuperbRaspfern the trunks are braided, I will definitely be looking for that rubberband, thank you for the heads up!