
Posted 1M ago by @DynamoSpicebush

White Powder on Stem

Hi guys, Please help! My Cornstalk Dracaena has white stuff on the stem! It’s not anywhere else on the plant. What is it?! Also… Maya (cornstalk) came with a vine in the bottom of the planter (jade pothos, aka Coco). I know I need to repot the Cornstalk in a large terracotta planter. Any suggestions on getting roots untangled or proper de-potting procedures? TIA! πŸ’š

Edit: Added photo
#Dracaena #CornstalkDracaena #cornstalk #PestControl #help
3ft to light, direct
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
Looks like it could be salt deposits but not sure. I’d take it outside or in the shower and give the leaves a good and stem and good rinse then either leave it air dry or dry the individual leaves/stem
Do you have a picture? Powder can point to many things from different fungi to signs of mealybugs. The fact that it's only in one place for now, I would rather think mold? Have you tried spreading it with hydrogen peroxide 3%?
@MusicalRedmint My partner took it outside this morning and wiped it with a highly diluted mixture of dawn and baking soda. Just in case it’s fungal. Added the photo so you can see what it looked like before!
Hmm. No idea. Maybe someone else knows more. I only know similar spots as salt deposits, left on leaves from to hard water. I highly doubt though that this is where you got water. Also, you said it looks powdery, even if I cannot discern it in that picture. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
I would wait and see if it comes back and how it comes back, if it does. Sry, I couldn't be of more help. Do you see any feeding damage? I'm not too sure from the picture
@JustJayde ugh! I didn’t think of that, thank you!! My partner has been fertilizing the plants like crazy. We need to rinse all of them honestly. πŸ˜‘
@DynamoSpicebush haha! It’s not my fave thing to do either! Nightmare!!
@DynamoSpicebush no advice but you and I have the exact plant set up with the cornstalk dracaena and a pothos at the bottom. I honestly didn’t even think of separating them. Is everything still in a nursery pot? Mine is new so not ready yet.
@Momof83ans everything is still in the nursery pot! It’s a lovely setup, period! … buttttt in our situation (small apartment with few windows) the tree is too big to be up high, and the vine is growing like crazy. I read to repot when the roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot (lots of holes in bottom of pot recommended, they need a lot of ventilation). We are so nuts about our plants, I am always dying to repot them. But I think this one may be really challenging. I’ve never seen what they call the β€œroot ball” but hopefully it’s not tangled with the vine roots! Wish me luck! We’re holding out currently til we find the right pot.