
Posted 2M ago by @HopelesslyGreen

Does her pot need upgrading?

#KenyanViolet I know they like a tight fit but when is it time for a larger pot? #AfricanViolet
0ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 10 months ago
I'd recommend removing her from her pot and checking if she is root bound, if so then I'd repot, if not I'd place her back into her pot
I was wondering the same thing about my baby. She's growing really good.
Oh no don’t repot her into anything bigger she looks perfect! They are epiphytes and need very little soil. In fact in Africa where they are native from they will grow up in between rocks with barely any soil. Their root systems are quite small and they like to be crowded. My full grown violets are all in 4 inch pot 5 inch max permanently. I’ll show you some pics. They are some of my favorites. Yours is a beauty and I can tell by looking at her that she is VERY happy where she is.πŸ’•
A tip for all you African violet lovers. Keep the pot small.

Allow soil to dry between waterings and if you want them to bloom nonstop. Give them a good liquid fertilizer I use Super Thrive Foliage Pro on all my plants and they bloom like crazy. 🌸 That sounds like advertisement sorry, it is not, just a recommendation from someone who uses it regularly and really likes it , my plants do too. Any liquid fertilizer will work just make sure it has NPK in it’s ingredients. Liquid fertilizer is always best it gives your plants an immediate boost of nutrients and plants absorb it easier.
@jvlianoo I just repotted my largest violet in same pot. Her lowest leaves are drooping so I removed few. Should I remove the rest?