
Posted 1M ago by @Queenmamaofall

Might be a dumb question but What do I do when it gets li...

Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
There's a friend on here @SirStretchberry, that used a trellis instead of chopping and it worked great if you don't want to behead it. These are their photos. I love the idea!
It's actually etiolating, which means it's in dire need of light-- Echeveria like this grow compact and not so leggy! You will need to cut the etiolated part and plant it separately, as there is no cure for etiolation other than that. Make sure to let your cut callous over!
Idk if this is correct but I would start another plant (like spider plant baby)
ur plant need sun and a haircut๐Ÿ˜Œ
Put it under high light . If it has enough light, the new growth up top will regrow as a tight flower like cluster. As this happens the leggy part will thicken like a stem. Once you're confident you've got the light down, in the beginning of growing season, cut it at that stem. Leave at least a couple inches attached. Leave your beheaded part alone a couple days so the cut part callouses over. Then replant in new pot with most then stem under soil. But not so far down your petals are laying on soil so they stay dry. Give it time. It'll be fine. The secondary side shoot is a baby. You can remove it close to the main stem and toss it or do the same, callous and plant. With echeveria it's all about the light.
Like everybody else said, it needs light. Put it in a south-facing windowsill, or get a grow light for it. I can recommend a good kind if you need one.
@SimpleSucc I have a grow light but Iโ€™m in TN and itโ€™s cold so I donโ€™t want to put it next to a window and it freezes
@philove why do I need to cut ?
@Queenmamaofall Shes etiolated and will not grow back they way she should, if you give her a cut shell bring more and more leaves
@Queenmamaofall How cold is it (outside and inside)? Plants can tolerate cold windows more than you would think
@SimpleSucc high in the 50s low in the 20s inside itโ€™s about 65
@Queenmamaofall it might be a little too cold. How close is the grow light to the plant?
@SimpleSucc a foot away
@FairyFly Thank you so much for featuring my plant! Proud plant mama moment :)
Giving everybody ideas all over the place @SirStretchberry lol.