
Posted 1M ago by @soiledmyplants

top heavy monstera adansonii. what now?

a lot of the older leaves on my monstera adansonii have yellowed and dropped off leaving a very top heavy plant. any advice on what i should do now to make the plant look more full? i feel like i always see this plant really even n that isn’t the case for mine anymore
10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
are you dead set on having it trail a moss pole? if not maybe you could convert it to a hanging basket! or you could trim the top and root it, then place it at the base to make it bushier
soiledmyplants">@soiledmyplants you can chop some sections and propogate them or you can try to start new growth points with keiki paste
soiledmyplants">@soiledmyplants cutting sections off will make it start new growth points plus propagating the pieces you cut off will add adding those back into the pot will make it fill out and look more bushy