
Posted 4w ago by @Djones54

My plant seems to be struggling. What can I do? I have a ...

2ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Can you post a photo of the plant in particular?
You should be able to see this option. Allow Greg to access camera and photos, then click on the camera option
@Araceae did you see the post?
@Djones54, I have a maidenhair fern and he was looking the same so I am misting him every other day and he seems to LOVE it, you could also try bringing him in the bathroom with you when you shower to get him all warm and steamy! Definitely a lack of humidity problem, mine isn’t by a humidifier but I’ve found that he prefers misting over a humidifier. I hope that helps!
Great! Thank you πŸͺ΄πŸ’•