
Posted 1M ago by @NiceGymnosperma

Not sure what’s wrong with this beautiful peace lily but ...

Last watered 1 month ago
When mine is droopy like that it usually needs water. I’d also check the soil and roots to see if it needs to be changed and if there’s any sign of root rot.
Bottom leaf is yellow: too much water, gal. If pot without drainage, you need to change it.
@NiceGymnosperma A peace lily prefers to dry out slightly between waterings. Water when the top inch of soil is dry, when you do water make sure you're watering thoroughly until it drains from the bottom of the pot. Always check the plants soil before watering even if the app says it's time always check first and definitely make sure it's in a pot with drainage holes. πŸ˜πŸ’š
Hi Annabel πŸ‘‹ Your peace lily looks like it needs to be watered. The plant card says it was last watered on December 29th. To help figure out when you should water your peace lily, around a week from the last watering you could check if the top 2 inches on the soil is dry. You can use a chopstick or a skewer to do this if you don’t want to use your fingers. If it is dry, you should water your peace lily because they like to be consistently moist. My peace lily needs to be watered every 6 days or it starts dropping its leavesβ€”quite dramatic, lol. I hope this helps!
What type of water are you using? With peace lily it can't be sink water it has to be bottled water
@FoxySpinach81 wow I had no idea! She’s So bougie haha
I water from@the bottom I don’t put water on top of the dirt. I put the put in a sink of water overnight and it soaks up water from@the bottom thru the holes. Seems to cut back on those pesky gnats too!!!
Needs drainage! Peace lilies are picky about water. Your pot is probably stashing some extra water in the bottom and your peace lily doesn’t appreciate it πŸ˜…
Looks over watered. The 'stick stick' is a good way to tell when they need a drink- as was said before, they do like to dry out between waterings, so if you take a bamboo skewer and put it into the top two inches of soil, it should come out totally clean before you give it more. Drainage is also super important! If it's collecting water at the bottom, you're at high risk for root rot, which is just as detrimental as it sounds.
@FoxySpinach81 u can use tap water if u allow to sit at least 15 min for chlorine to dissipate otherwise use filtered NOT DISTILLED water