
Posted 1M ago by @HappyRedSage

Yellowing branch

#ZzPlant is turning yellow. He’s new to me and I don’t know what to do
5ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
Yellowing could mean overwatering. How has its watering scheduling been?

If it’s okay, it could also indicate a fungal issue, which could be treated. I treat it with horticultural sulfur diluted in water (3 grams per liter) sprayed into the plant.

By the way, ZZ Plants don’t usually take direct sunlight, so it could also be sunburned.
I also have a small yellowing shoot on my zz. From what I’ve read it’s most likely overwatered. I havnt watered it in two weeks but maybe it wasn’t ready for water 2 weeks ago. I’m going to cut back on the water for now. Once a months seems to be plenty.