
Posted 6M ago by @CivilDevilsclaw

My plant that I just ordered is not doing too well. Actua...

0ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
Best Answer
Hi Amanda, I think your soil is too wet and the pot might be too big. Does your pot have drainage? You might have some root rot, to know for sure you’ll need to unpot it and rinse the roots. If the roots are mushy or smell really bad, you’ll need to cut them off with clean scissors (clean with alcohol first).
@Momof83ans good advice
@clairsheart πŸ₯Ήthanks!
I think it’s too wet and if there isn’t any drainage, there could be some root damage going on. I would definitely take it out and examine the roots. Cut off any dead roots and put it in fresh soil in a pot with drainage.
Thank you so much! Doing it now! Cause I've almost lost her! I usually do very well with plants! I can see now exactly what you've said..thank you so much for the advice! I'll keep you posted!!