
Posted 2M ago by @BeamingAnthora

Losing leaves and black dots on trunk

My lemon plant, which is about 3 years old now, is losing young, green leaves and has black dots all over the trunk, they are tiny and hard to see from afar, what do I do? #Lemon #Citrus #help #MeyerLemonTree #Diseases #SadPlant #StruggleBus #plantmom #PlantMoms #PleaseDontDie #NewPlantMom #PestControl pestsAndPlants">#pestsAndPlants pests">#pests
I’d love to know the answer, my lime and lemon lost leaves recently, I blamed spider mites
Hi! It sounds like it could be a spider mite infestation. They love to attack this time of the year, and are microscopic so very hard to detect. Is there any very fine webbing? Even if not, I would suggest you spray the entire plant with insecticidal soap (about $8 on Amazon).
Oops! Posted before I was finished! You can also wipe the bugs off with a damp paper towel and if you don’t have insecticidal soap, rubbing alcohol does the trick!
No fine webbing but will get my hands on that soap