
Posted 2M ago by @MentorParsley

Please tell me these aren’t spider mites!?

My split leaf philodendron has lost a couple leaves over the last few weeks and more are turning yellow. Nothing has changed with the environment, watering, etc. Why are the leaves yellowing all of a sudden?!
1ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Do you see any webbing around the yellowing leaves?
I think because there are no webs πŸ•ΈοΈ that it may be worse, you may have thrips
@Plants_Galore oh no I have no idea how to even get rid of that?? Should I throw the whole plant away? 😒
@Seedstarter I don’t, just the white speckles around the bottom. I wiped it off and it appears to be dust/dirt or someone similar.
@MentorParsley I don’t think you should throw the whole plant away. They do spread fast so maybe keep it away from the other plants.Neem oil is a good way to kill them but you should also completely hose down the entire plant
@MentorParsley, it is safe to say you don't have spider mites. If you did, you would have seen thick webbing, mostly on the leaves. Is the plant making more leaves to replace the dying ones?