Brown areas on Dracaena
I stopped exposing this plant to tap water months ago. Will the brown spots ever get better? Is something else wrong with this plant? Please help!

8ft to light, indirect

12β pot with drainage

Last watered 1 month ago

@DeanBluebean42 They aren't going to heal. π’ The best thing to do is to cut the tips with a pair of sterilized scissors, at an angle. Make sure that it isn't getting direct sunlight. Your plant stats say that it's 8 feet from a light source. That's too far. Try moving it closer, like 3 feet or less. That will help immensely. π
@DeanBluebean42 Also make sure that you are watering it only when the top few inches of soil are dry. Dracaena's like to dry out a bit more than other plants do.