
Posted 1M ago by @WillSilverspa

What do you think wrong with this , all the leaves is dyi...

Here is my poor plant
Hi Imelda! First thing I notice is it doesn’t look like it was planted deep enough. Pretty sure the β€œbulbs” need to be under dirt- they are what holds water for your plant. I see yours is indoors getting direct sunlight. These don’t like direct sun, it scorches their leaves, if you could put it where it gets morning sun (east facing), but not direct I think it will do better. I don’t have this kind of Kalanchoe, but I think it’s not able to hold water as the bulbs aren’t protected. I see a lot of brown/yellow….is any of the plant mushy/squishy? It could be underwaterd, or overwatered- but I don’t want to give wrong advice so hopefully Robby (and other succulent parents!) can better help you. Good luck- mother of 1000s are so beautiful!