
Posted 1M ago by @COPlantMom

How do I get leaves

How can I help my Monstera Cobra get more leaves? Ever since fall, she has stopped. #planttherapy #newgrowth #monsteramob #plantmafia #plantmom
Best Answer
I think it's a growth habit where if they're really happy, they send runners like these. Obliqua is best known for it, but it can happen in adansonii, karstenianum/peru and standleyana/cobra. Notice how all of them have thin stems, small leaves and grow somewhat hugging the ground without a pole. Try letting it run across a saucer with soil, and see if it roots and forms a new plant. The paste that @Prentyce mentioned might help. This website i found might help:
@PoisedAlbo, yes, sorry. I dont have a south window. She has the grow lights. The stem is growing fast.
My monstera deliciosa is experiencing a similar problem, except she isn't growing at all.
@coplantmom You can cut the stem into smaller pieces as long as you have nodes and propagate. Before you know it you’ll have beautiful new plants.
Kiki’s cloning paste would do the trick! But yes she’s reaching for somewhere to climb :) plants grow away from the light when they’re trying to find something to climb. Best of luck!! Everything looks so healthy and beautiful:)
@Araceae omg you’re right I am so sorry! I just noticed the plant it came from. I am so sorry yall!!