How do I get leaves
How can I help my Monstera Cobra get more leaves? Ever since fall, she has stopped. #planttherapy #newgrowth #monsteramob #plantmafia #plantmom

I think it's a growth habit where if they're really happy, they send runners like these. Obliqua is best known for it, but it can happen in adansonii, karstenianum/peru and standleyana/cobra. Notice how all of them have thin stems, small leaves and grow somewhat hugging the ground without a pole. Try letting it run across a saucer with soil, and see if it roots and forms a new plant. The paste that @Prentyce mentioned might help. This website i found might help:
@PoisedAlbo, yes, sorry. I dont have a south window. She has the grow lights. The stem is growing fast.
@coplantmom You can cut the stem into smaller pieces as long as you have nodes and propagate. Before you know it youβll have beautiful new plants.