
Posted 1M ago by @bpcourtney

What is going on?

I cannot figure out what is going on with my #GreenPrayerPlant. It’s consistently shooting out new leaves, but for every new leaf I get I lose at least two on the bottom of the stem. The leaves turn yellow then dry out. The plant is getting good light, and I’m being careful not to overwater it. It’s just… being so finicky! Any ideas?
6ft to light, indirect
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Ah yes. Finicky is right! They’re super sensitive to watering, air temp, and humidity. Mine did this often until I gave up and now she lives in my shower (which has a window). In my experience these are one of the few plants would rather be too wet than too dry. But I’d try to keep it super consistent.
I had one thriving in my bathroom… then I moved it 2 feet and it started yellowing just like this. I have no clue πŸ˜•
Top inch of soil needs to be moist but not water logged. They need humidity so misting them will also help
Prayer plant soil has to be kept moist or they dry out plus they need humidity